dinsdag 30 juli 2013

The police, my best girlfriend

Dutch version, click here: De politie, mijn beste vriendin!

The police, my best girlfriend!

In Holland we have a saying "the police is our best friend' and you can imagine why we have it. However, sometimes it is used ironically, and probably you can also imagine in which situations we use it that way.

Today I experienced that the police has become my best girlfriend.
How come? Well, let me try to explain.

I work at SMASH, a company with many medical doctors who are working during non office hours for emergency situations. I am one of the medical assistants driving the emergency car.
One day we were sent to an address where a person was in medical need. Arrived at the scene there was a lot of consternation. Police was already inside. When we entered the apartment  we were confronted with a rather contaminated area and an enormous dirty smell came towards us, becoming worse when we approached the sleeping room. Lying on the bed we found a man who was obviously very ill, not been able to stand up and probably not having seen a bathroom for a long period. first the person refused to accept any help. Assistance was asked from other authorities, however it was clear that the person first needed to be hospitalized. After the first checks on his health it became clear that his health situation was not life-treathening. All people not needed were send out of the apartment and police asked for substitution of their crew. We asked for an ambulance to transport the person to hospital. It became clear that we had to wait for a while for a free ambulance. Saturdays are busy days. The new (female) police officer who arrived at the scene and searched the house and took charge of the home situation of the person. We went on with our work with respect to communication to the hospital, searching for any medication of the person. Soon I asked myself what further we could do for the person. Exactly on that moment the police officer came around the corner of the bathroom carrying a towel, soap and a clean pajama. She said:" First what we will do is give this person a bit more dignity before he is brought to the hospital. Not very human to let him go like this". Before I knew it she was washing the person's face, getting him clean underwear and together we put him in a chair in the afternoon sun which was pouring in through the windows. She also found a tin of coke and asked the person if he was thirsty. And there it was....a smile of the person who was first so sick and stubborn, now lightening up and smiling to while warming up in the sun. All his stubbornness and anger were disappearing and the person became willing to go to the hospital.

So tell me, where can you find nowadays such an officer of police.
One who does these things without being asked to, without hesitation, without any grumbling and with a smile on her face.One who gives a person's dignity back in a few minutes.
Respect for this lady. She took action to make the difference. The difference for at least two persons, the person being ill and me. Again I saw a wonderful example of how we as humans can make the difference. Just with a few simple actions.

Wouldn't it be nice if this could happen more often? Just by a simple gesture like a smile, or a few words, a warm conversation?
Any way, I am again convinced how important this is. And it is my intention to at least once a day be the difference to be there or to do something. Every word, every action can make the difference. Sometimes it is only a matter to look a bit further and deeper as we used to do.

Many many thanks to this lady, the police officer of the police The Hague.

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