dinsdag 30 juli 2013

Noise, quite common these days

For Dutch version click here: Geluid, doodnormaal.

Did you notice it too? Everywhere we go there is noise. Cars, motors, chainsaws, grass-mowers, leaf blowers, high pressure cleaning devices, sanders, grinders, drilling machines, air compressors.
Nowadays we need all these machines to do our (around the house) jobs. All of them are made for our convenience. And all of them are made electrical or are fueled engines. And they make noise, and much too in some cases.
During my study I learned that this kind of equipment makes so much noise that there is a chance of hearing damage. Dutch Arbo law has lots of rules concerning the amount of noise a machine is allowed to make or an human can work in during a period of time. Also when to use ear protection.

However, if I look around these days I have the feeling that we have been adapted already to these noises and that we are not bothered by it, are we? Well, so now and then I am bothered by it. And I know few others are too, maybe many others. And meanwhile it is continuing. If one is finished the other is starting. I am questioning myself why are some people bothered and others not at all by these noises. I do not say that this kind of equipment should be forbidden, oh no, the convenience factor of the equipment is too high not to use it. We could,t do without them anymore. But that monotone sound of these machines during the day and even in the evenings is catching me. Why don't we use a good broomstick instead of a leaf blowing machine? The other day I saw someone working with it but is was not very effective though. Oh and another thing. Those advertisements on television during a good movie... put the sound down? Or just record the movie and zap the ads, or download the movie without the ads. Finally we find solutions for our challenges.

However, maybe we could just be a bit more conscious about this item. Ok, maybe I have to adapt a little further but how. Is it that I have become more sensitive for noise? I know of people who even have physical reactions on noises with a prolonged character. How do we cope with this? I do not know yet. First to try focus on other things than the noise. It does help a bit. In everything we experience is a learning process. Pity that I am not a that fast pupil.

Last week on a Sunday morning, I had the guts to speak to a person who worked with a piece of equipment which caused an enormous amount of noise. In a very decent but firm way I told him that he did not amused me doing that. His reaction? He said:" Oh you just need to tell me that right away man". And he quitted the activity at once. Right. Lesson 1: Do dare to take your own space and talk about it.

Isn't this world a great playing ground where we together can create that what we need to grow, to evolve, to learn?
Gee, I suddenly realize that is was rather a quite week in our neighborhood. Everyone on vacation or ....could it be true?...

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