zaterdag 1 augustus 2015

Why would I write?

Feed back? You are welcome to let me know please!

Again I feel the urge to write. But why would I write? So much has already been written, so much already been said. What would be the contribution of that what I would write or say?
I do not know. I do not know if it will contribute anything to your life or someone else’s life.
One thing is for sure: I feel the urge and that must have a reason! So why not doing it, just writing without a goal, without anything to have to accomplish or to prove. Just because I feel that it feels good.
And while writing the story develops into something that wants to be said from within me and wants to be heard by myself. Something that needs to become conscious. The experience of experiencing.
And suddenly I realize that for the last weeks I have been looking for reasons and subjects to write something. And nothing came up, nothing was important to share I thought. And now the message to self is that it is not to share but to let the unconscious speak freely, to listen to it, to watch it unfolding in the way it manifests and to experience the magic in it.
What is the magic than? I would ask. The magic is in the way the energy of the words will flow. Let myself be surprised of where the words will go and what they will accomplish. Nothing to be achieved and yet everything to be allowed.
The words flowing out are feeling kind of sacred, because right at this moment there is a relief of believe. I am on purpose and what I do is on purpose, no matter what or how. I am who I am and I do what I do in my way. That what I thought was keeping me away from writing, is back with a lightness that I remember and recognize so good. 

Connecting  words to sentences and share them with others with a light heart is what I like to do.
So happy and delighted, with loving kindness I share my experience with you.

Do whatever you want to do with it or let be done what may be done. I feel blessed and connected.
I love being the experience although I sometimes not understand immediately what it is all about.

I love living in the experience and I wish you the same.
From heart to heart with Love, Light and Laughter....


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