Dear reader,
These blogs are all about my experiences. I have heard often the feedback that it resonates with others and that it is helpful to them. Sometimes it is nice to read other one's story to get an idea or a glimpse of their way of experiencing, their journey. For me, reading always helped to get another perspective, another view on my story. Therefore I like to share one of my experiences, not only to get more clarity for myself, but also because I like sharing. And if only one person is helped with it, it was already worthwhile.
So enjoy.
What is it with time nowadays? There is a load of information about time available, but for me, it gets real when I myself can experience it. And I am, although it is not quite clear how I have to describe it.
I used to see time as something that consists of experiences in the past, the now or in the future. That always worked out well for me. I have heard about time being linear and it did fit well in my mind. During last weeks I noticed some changes that are giving me more evidence that time is not linear as I always thought. And sure, we already know that from readings and talks. However, experiencing this is another thing. Let me try to describe what happened.
In my work as a medical assistant and driver to the MD at the Doctors Emergency Services I often come across situations that require immediate action. Driving to a certain location, getting entrance to the object where the victim or patient is awaiting us and giving advanced life support. Naturally the MD takes the lead and I assist and follow the orders. When driving, communicating to other emergency services or forcing ourselves into the object, I am in the main seat and the MD gives me full authority. So we are a good team. And now, more and more often in every part of this work, it is as if someone is talking to me from behind. Like: " do this, do that, beware of that, take care of this, make sure that, follow that direction, have available or at hand". And also things as :"Prepare yourself for". In the beginning I didn't listen very well and was unaware of it. But after a few weeks and some incidents with more impact than usual, it became more conscious. Often I sat down a day later and remembered what happened, overseeing the whole scene again. I remember a few times that I was blessed with this amazing intuition at the right time, for the patient's sake or that of the MD or mine. More and more I became conscious about this inner voice and as a result I began acting according what was asked or said.
And last weeks, the time between consciously experiencing this voice and the actual fact taking place became shorter. And not only during this work. The experience overwhelmed me more than once.
With everything I do, being outside, having a conversation in a group, doing a job or what ever, I hear that voice giving me important information. Like once, it was if there was a carpenter sitting on my shoulder telling me how to saw or grind a piece of wood, or a plumber telling me how to install a central heating device.
It is either that words come to me when I am working on the job, or that I feel pictures of the things to come within a short time.
You can imagine how delighted I am to experience this. Like Simran Singh wrote in one of her books:"We are all able to communicate with the universe". The similarities are there. You have them also, no doubt, like seeing the little signs 11:11 etc. But to be guided immediately and on the spot is a great feeling which I am grateful for.
Ok sure, when assisting or coaching people we are connected as well and the right words are coming out automatically, like channeling, although I do not like the word.
It feels however different in lot of the cases. It is as I am allowed to quickly see a bit further on the timeline from now. And before I know it consciously, I act upon what I have seen or felt. Like my whole being is guided in acting. Sometimes it is a bit weird to find myself acting upon something that has to happen yet. I did often look back to my life. As easily as that was, how difficult it is now. I do not like to look at the past anymore. More and more I let myself go into dreams to come true. More and more I am able to create consciously. Maybe that is why looking backward has changed into looking forward.

For me this circular timeline also explains why some items keep coming back into my life. They are on my circular timeline and they will keep on passing me until I dare to look at them and work with them.
One thing I know and feel for sure....I really have the benefits of it and accept in full confidence what is happening. The You-niversity of life is a grand roller coaster and we need to take care not to shut our eyes, cause we could easily miss something beautiful. And keep on breathing. There is still a lot to discover and I sure like it.
With Love, Light and for all Laughter.....
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