maandag 11 november 2013

Use your power of love

Many times now I have witnessed the death of a person, or the emotional or physical pain a person can suffer from. Every time when I am confronted with it I am humbly surprised what a little love can do. No matter if a person is young or old, when you show your compassion, share a bit of love, something is happening with that person.
A few times now I saw somebody in the struggle of the dying process. Once I was only in the room and sent my love to the person with the thoughts that all was good and whatever the decision would be, it would be respected. The person died soon afterwards.
Other times I was looking in the eyes of a young child, seeing her unable to speak clearly of what was going on, unable to let us know how afraid she was. And only looking into those eyes with love, compassion and understanding, the child became quite and closed her eyes. The last one I remember clearly was an elder person in the process of leaving the earth. It was not possible to have any contact with the person anymore. Again I felt the stream of love flowing to the person. I needed to lift the arm for technical reasons and the moment I laid down the arm gently the person's face showed a little smile. Surprised I touched the face of the person, and the eyes opened, the smile was there again, and the person died.
Now, you can see this as if I have not such a very good influence on people. However, during my attendance of last Lightworker seminar in Holland, I experienced the same over and over again. And all persons did survive, in fact they were happy to be in my neighborhood. Yes, I played with the energy in the rooms, bringing lightness, joy, warmth, love and laughter, sometimes I was very strict and needed to make fierce statements. But all was done in a energy of love. And again it surprised me what can happen for the benefit of all when love is flowing freely.

And therefore I ask anyone who is known with this, and anyone who is not quite familiar with this to give it a try. Let everything you do or say be accompanied with a flow of love, passion, light and laughter. See what happens to the world around you. It will be of benefit to yourself as well.

And please send a bit of this flow to the Philippines. Imagine how desolated the people over there can be after this hurricane moment. People lost their belongings and worse, they lost their beloved ones not knowing even if they are dead or alive. And as written above, if we know what this love can do to people who are dying or just died, why wouldn't we sent some of our abundant love to them. Not to heal them because they are already, but to support them in the journey they want to experience.

Love you all
Light, Love and Laughter, from heart to heart


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