zondag 7 december 2014

Starting point of creation

You See, You Think and You Create, or....
You Fantasize, You Feel and You Create.

Do you want to create by looking at what you see or do you want to create what you really fancy, what you really want?
What will be your starting point of creation?

If we see something, we immediately have a thought about it. This thought is followed by another one and another one. These thoughts have their own specific energy and go into the formless cloud of Creation. From there it is returning to you with that same energy. When the thought is powerful enough (and the more you think it, the more powerful it becomes) and you are aligned well enough, not only by sending out this thought but also by feeling it, seeing it, living it, it will change from a formless energy into a manifestation of Creation.

So it is important to realize that we are manifesting our own reality, also the the "negative" experiences. And also to realize that we can create a life we really want.
Sure, it will take some practice, but if we continuously focus on the fine and beautiful things and the life we really like, it becomes a way of living in which our creations are healthy, abundant, full of love in every detail of it.

Start your practices with holding every beautiful thought or vision for at least a minute or more. Take a deep breath and let it go again in full confidence that this thought, this vision will return again, better and more beautiful every time it returns. Watch the little signs, the cosmic winks, the signs of the You-niverse. You are noticed, for sure.

I myself started by not reading those nasty articles in the papers anymore, or looking at the news on TV. It made me said and sometimes angry, sometimes with worries for the future. Instead I began to watch the beautiful documentaries about wild life, art, music. I started to look at the smiles on people's faces, smiling back, saying something nice and really meant. I began to notice the little changes in my life, all in my favor. I focussed on these changes and began to enjoy them. I started to play with it. The changes became more obvious, as if I was expecting them to come around. I began to trust life and the responding Universe. I noticed that I looked more into the future than looking back into the past. I started looking in what is right now and here. I learned that the now is the moment where it is all happening. That is my starting point. That is where I create my feelings, my thoughts that are being send out, just to receive more of it.

A great way to experience my experience. Thank you You-niverse, please give me more!!
With thanks to all of you wonderful souls, and to the learnings of Abraham Hicks, Wallace D. Wattles, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Brandon Bays, Steve Rother, Simran Singh and many others. Yep, I have spoken to them, I have listened to them, they are on my bookshelves and yet, I had to practice it before I believed it. I had to believe it before I owned it. Now it is a part of my life, integrated in every thing I do, think, feel and am.

I wish you the same!

With Love, Light and Laughter,  Peter

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