I sometimes wondered what the Beatles meant with the Magical Mystery Tour. Well, last month I just headed the road of my Magical Tour.
It all started with the dead of my mum. It was expected though suddenly.
Sitting next to her and holding hands we were able to see her start the journey Home. We all gave her the permission to go. And during the next few minutes she went, without struggle, without pain.What did strike me most was the unlimited, unconditional loving energy from Home that flowed through us. It was overwhelming, it was a known sort of presence that brought tears in my eyes. Something I only felt once in this lifetime and now it was here again, known as Home!!

The next days we took care of the arrangements of the funeral. It was all done in one day, as if it was already written in universe how it should be. If a question or a problem was raised, somebody called in at exact the right moment to solve that. All felt in place beautifully and graciously, every detail. I still can not quite understand how perfectly it went.
Also the support for my father was enormously, via unexpected ways.
On the day of the funeral something funny happened. We followed the funeral car to the cemetery and they drove to the wrong cemetery. My father, sitting next to me said: "Package wrong delivered", and he laughed.
During the days after, the care for my father, the love I felt in the air made me humble and grateful. Why? I can only say that this experience made me aware that we do matter, we can make a difference, just by listening to our hearts and do what feels right, more than ever. I am a part of something bigger that puts me in a abundant flow of love and life.
It was from that day I started seeing the master numbers everywhere. I had them seen earlier last years, but now they show up dozen of times during the day, on clocks, adds, posters, phone numbers, license plates, and at the most strange places. I see things happening around me that are for the good of people and I am a part of it. Sometimes I laugh and tend to think: "Yeah Ma, I know!!".
And then, the next few weeks, I found myself in a ever more and more flowing stream of joy. With an amazing curiosity, I experienced how life and time were bended in our favor. My duty rota was changed suddenly and I saw a possibility to have a holiday. Other things were also rearranged without my interference, and suddenly I found myself at the travel agency. Within a few moments we booked a flight and hotel to, what I now call a magical Island, Mallorca. I always thought it was a place for visiting bars and discotheques. How wrong I was. On this short notice it was the only place we could visit. And it had to be that way, we were called to this place. Everything, and I mean really everything, went so smoothly and graciously, as if angels were preparing the way and whispering in our ears.
Driving across the Island we saw incredible places, we had beautiful moments and were guided to most sacred and non tourist places where connecting with the magic in ourselves and the earth took place at it's own. Everywhere we looked, walked, sat or swum it was available.
We experienced a complete reset of body and mind. And so funny, there was nothing to arrange. If we had an idea or plan, it was carried out in front of our eyes. And we stepped in, enjoyed it to the fullest and appreciated it.
These days, I again was assured that I am taken care of by something or someone. Every single piece of doubt vanished. Thank you you-niverse!! Bring me more of this, Thank you.
Also two books of Lorna Byrne ran into my hands. Reading these books gave in some areas a confirmation about what I was experiencing. Coincidence?
And now, at home again, it all continues. This whole period feels like a new start. I am on the runway of a wonderful flight. The sky ain't the limit and I am blessed to have this journey. And more beautiful moments are still coming my way.
I find myself on a pristine playground. An area which I knew it existed, but which I am
re-discovering right now.
This is what my heart is full of and wanted to share with you. I know this is meant to experience for all of humanity, for you as well if you haven't done already. Just ask for it and it is being arranged. Ask for it and see it as already yours, dream it and feel it and it wil be yours now. Start your own magical mystery tour here and now!
Love you as ever, in Love, with Love and Through Love,
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